VIDEO WIZARDS PODCAST – Episode 21: April 1995

In episode 21 of Video Wizards, we return to the mid nineties, in that period before Sony’s PlayStation was released to change the gaming landscape forever. In the arcades of April 1995, there is a lot of fighting and a lot of flying going on, as Midway drops the much anticipated third instalment in theContinue reading “VIDEO WIZARDS PODCAST – Episode 21: April 1995”

VIDEO WIZARDS PODCAST – Episode 11: December 1989

In this final Video Wizards Podcast episode of 2020, we travel back 31 years, to the month of December 1989. With the last holiday season of the 1980s upon us, we are visited by Santa Haggar, backed up by Cody and Guy, for Capcom’s genre redefining Final Fight. Konami, meanwhile, set out their own brawlingContinue reading “VIDEO WIZARDS PODCAST – Episode 11: December 1989”